Strikeforce Weigh-ins: 3 Title Fights Greenlit
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Under an all but cloudless sky in The Music
City, three champions and the men who would dethrone them passed
their final pre-fight test.
The Weekly Wrap: April 3 - April 9
While it featured all the standard promotional trappings, event
week for the Ultimate Fighting Championship's debut in the Middle
East played...
No Lashley on Strikeforce April 17 Undercard
Strikeforce announced the undercard line-up of its April 17
“Nashville” event on Monday, which will include a former local
college football...
The Weekly Wrap: March 13 - March 19
The show may already be in the can, but a series of reports this
week indicated that the eleventh season of "The Ultimate Fighter,"
Minute by Minute: ‘March Badness’
This is how MMA has poisoned me: It’s been seven years since I
willingly plunked down cash for a boxing pay-per-view. (I don’t
think Foxy...