The Doggy Bag: The Holiday Wish List Edition
Everyone answers to somebody, so we, the staff at, have
decided to defer to our readers. In this edition of The Doggy Bag,
The Doggy Bag: Ball of Confusion Edition
Everyone answers to somebody, so we, the staff at, have
decided to defer to our readers. In this edition, readers are
confused about...
Viewpoint: Ties That Bind
A contractual stipulation could result in an anti-climactic end to
Cormier’s Strikeforce career, writes Tristen Critchfield.
10 March Tussles Worth Watching
While the first two months of the year usually run a bit slow on
the independent circuit, the mixed martial arts calendar will find
another gear...
The Doggy Bag: Now With More Nick Diaz!
This UFC-free weekend is a blessing. We can enjoy a flexible
schedule and catch up with an old friend. Perhaps sit down to a
nice dinner and argue about...